Saturday, May 30, 2015

Children's Day

In China, June 1st is Children's day. This meant that on Friday, instead of afternoon classes, we had a field-day-like event. Each teacher had an assigned station and grade level (lower grades, middle grades or higher grades): mine was blindfolded string cutting (or pretend cutting) for the fifth and sixth graders. Good thing I asked at lunch if I needed to prepare anything, because I had to scrounge up string and blindfolds! My favorite part of the whole thing was watching the kids interact. My least favorite part was watching them try to cheat.

The teacher at the next station over setting up. Her event was similar, but with hitting the suspended drum.

The girls were great about helping each other tie on the blindfolds, turn around a few times, and start in the right direction.
The boys, not so much.

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