Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Introducing My Students

This semester I'm doing something new as an incentive for my students. When they accumulate a certain number of class tickets I will introduce them to you, my friends and family. This introduction will likely be just a few sentences and a picture, but I hope that it will give you all (and myself) a new insight into the community here.

All my students, including both the third graders and the fifth graders, were extremely excited by this prospect. I'm guessing the first few introduction will begin this week, once some students have accumulated enough class tickets (by answering questions, performing dialogues, etc.). I have one request of you: if anything occurs to you to say to, or even ask of, any of my students, please leave a comment on that post! I will pass them on to my students and I know that they will appreciate them. Thanks in advance!


  1. Sounds like a great plan! Will put my thinking cap on for questions when appropriate. :)


Thoughts, reactions, or comments? I always love to hear from you!