Monday, June 15, 2015

Introducing Shirley

Hello, my name is Shirley, 王艳秋 (Wáng yànqiū). My birthday is September 24th. When is yours? I like blue and green because they are natural colors. Do you like them? If not, what do you like? I'm 9 years old. How old are you? I love eating meat and am not a bit fat. Do you like eating meat? I weigh 26 kilograms. How much do you weigh? I particularly love to jump rope and play games. I know that computer and video games are bad for your eyes, but I will try hard to mend my ways. I am very happy to know you. Please remember me!



  1. Hello Shirley! My birthday is March 10th. I like blue and green also, but I like yellow more. I am 23 years old. I don't like eating meat. I weigh 115 lbs. I don't know how much that is in kilograms! Do you?

  2. Hello Shirley. What a nice long letter you wrote! I am Miss Nan's grandmother so you can guess that I am VERY OLD. I don't jump rope any more, but I walk a lot and am planting my garden now. I live in Canada where it is too cold to grow a garden except in the summer.


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