Thursday, June 18, 2015

Introducing Rose

Hello.* I am English teacher's student. My English name is Rose. I really like our English teacher. She's also very nice to us and teaches us English. English teacher is just like our friend^, we sing songs together, talk, play games, and are happy. English teacher is the best teacher in the world, I really like her! Don't worry about her, she has us to keep her company!

*Formal you.
^ And she is in the class that I yell at every day without fail!



  1. Dear Rose, I think you picked a perfect English name because in this picture you look like a blooming rose! We are very worried about Miss Nan. We are worried that she loves you too much and will never come back!!!!

  2. Dear Rose, I'm glad you like English teacher. I do too! You are a very pretty girl. I hooe you can learn lots of English.


Thoughts, reactions, or comments? I always love to hear from you!