Saturday, April 18, 2015


Last weekend we went to Mangshi to celebrate Poshui Jie. One of my favorite parts, however, was not the water throwing, but the city itself. Even my Chinese cofellow remarked on how it was funny how in some ways Mangshi felt like all Chinese cities and in other ways it felt very distinctive. The decorations are perhaps the most visible difference. In some ways it reminded me of India. Even some of the facial features and clothing seemed reminiscent.

Here are just a few glimpses. (It was hard to take pictures with all the water being thrown everywhere.)

The biggest temple in Mangshi (or so I'm told). It's up on a hill so you can see it from much of the city.

"Receive visitors gate" on the north side of the big public square.

At the foot of the gate.

Building just to the side of the public square. See the gold peacocks?

Yummy sugary snack made in bamboo.

Traditional clothing.

More on the village we visited outside of the city soon.

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