Sunday, April 19, 2015

Introducing Nikki

I am a girl who loves dance, loves sports, and love English. My English teacher is Miss Nan. She respects us and we respect her. She is so nice to us! She has taught us a lot. We like her a lot. At first, we were not so fervent. It took some time before we warmed up. Whenever we meet, we always say hello. Through this mutual exchange of hellos, both are happy. Whatever gloomy thing might have happened, it all disappears. We are good partners!

Third grade class 3
Nikki (伯蕊, Bó Ruǐ)
Jietou Central Elementary School




This is such a sweet introduction, but it leaves me wondering who exactly comprises "we" and "us". I know it's not the whole class, because it's my worst behaved class (the teacher in charge of this class told me last week that in her twenty-plus years of teaching, she's only once had a class as bad as this). I'm guessing that its a subset of the girls of the class who are extremely sweet. I always feel bad when I have to yell at the class, or make them copy words, because they get the punishment along with the ones who actually need it.

Nikki also gifted me a necklace made of folded paper and two of her drawings this week.


  1. I love mutual exchanges of hellos, Nikki!! I hope when I meet you, we will also say hello whenever we meet!

  2. Hello Nikki. I like your frawings and the beautiful necklace you made for Miss Nan.


Thoughts, reactions, or comments? I always love to hear from you!