Thursday, April 16, 2015

Introducing Quinton

I am a third grade student in 3(1) class. My name is Quinton, 熊家逸 (Xióng Jiāyì). I am Miss Nan's student. She teaches us English. She teaches us well through games. We also provoke her anger. I want to learn English well.


I was quite surprised by this introduction. I don't tell me students what to write, I just tell them to introduce themselves. That he chose to talk about my teaching was intriguing, because although he's a smart student, he is not particularly well behaved. I often have to yell at him and send him to the back of the room for talking to the student next to him, not participating well, not writing in his notebook, and most often for horsing around.


  1. Hi Quinton! My name is Quinton, too!! Except my Chinese name isn't 熊家逸, it's 白庆天. What is your favorite color?

  2. Hi Quinton! I love your smile. I am glad you want to learn English. What is your favorite game?

  3. Hi Quinton. I like your picture.. I'm glad you like English.


Thoughts, reactions, or comments? I always love to hear from you!