Friday, December 5, 2014

You thought it was over?

Cultural performances from teachers and students, the opening ceremony, and all those sporting events. You thought we were done with all of that didn't you? So did I. But no. We've become a travelling gig.

On Tuesday my principal informed me that since we had done well in the competition we had to perform again on Thursday and Friday evenings at two other schools. This wasn't just a quick reprisal, it was a a full out show, this time with 27 performances by both teachers and students. This meant, of course, that hair and makeup had to be done all over again each day, leaving no time to teach my afternoon classes. Luckily, with two days notice I was able to switch either an English class for a music class, or with other teachers' morning classes that none of my classes is getting too far behind.

After lunch on Thursday I was brought to the hair salon on the back of a teacher's scooter. This was a different one and the hairdresser was more skilled. She put most of my hair into a bun, then did a side braid around that was really quite pretty...and then instead of tucking the ends in smoothly she decided to tease them and have them go every-which-way. Sigh. All the teachers and many of my students said it was beautiful, but although this was reassuring in some ways, it also served to remind me that I still find certain aspects of Chinese culture extremely foreign. Especially fashion and style. By take three on Friday I was just resigned to it all.

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