Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Glimpse of My Classrooms

Obviously I can't take pictures of my own classes (at least, not without major disruption), but last month I was observed by local teachers. Here are a few snapshots from the video they took.

Students who have earned English names introduce themselves at the beginning of class. 

"Say leg to yourself five times..." We do this to practice harder words (although leg is a short, it's the hardest body part for them!).
After five times, I signal them to stop...there's always one or two boys who keep going...sometimes on purpose, but usually obliviously.

"Shake your body!" This one's a favorite!


  1. It's so cool to see these! I totally understand what you mean about "leg" seeming easy but being the hardest one. I have that same problem with some words with "r" in it. Especially "your." Most students seem to believe that "r" and "s" at the end of words are silent, which makes it impossible to tell plurals and other things in their speaking.

  2. It's so interesting to see what those things are that people assume carry over. I have fun coming up with different ways to say words or accompanying gestures that help them, but it's definitely an uphill battle!


Thoughts, reactions, or comments? I always love to hear from you!