Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bilingual Signs and Drugs

Last weekend I was in Baoshan for a professional development conference. This was posted on the wall of the hotel room.

What it actually says in Chinese is "Cherish life, stay away from drugs." Unfortunately the message doesn't really come across in the translation. 

Bilingual signs are actually relatively common here. It's sort of a status thing. Having English on your sign makes it fancy. But the translations are rarely helpful. Since the Roman Alphabet is my native script, however, I tend to read it first before realizing that if I actually want to know what it says I just need to read the Chinese. Even if I don't recognize all the characters, it'll probably serve me better than the English!

1 comment:

  1. bahaha that's hilarious. it's the same here with signs on the highway -- the one about emergency braking exits is completely incomprehensible


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