Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls

One day over spring break we decided to go for a hike to see just a few of the (many) waterfalls in the area surrounding Boquete.

We took a taxi up into the mountains and got dropped off right at the trail head. Walking past a farm with a rather loud dog, we soon reached a pretty stream:

There were many pretty flowers along the way...

Cute little bromeliad on a tree.

There were lots of gorgeous Calla Lilies.

One of the really interesting things about the area around Boquete is the mountain farming. The climate is more suited for food production than lowlands, but the topography is quite the challenge. They farm steep slopes in a fascinating patchwork pattern of different crops and row arrangements.

A farm outside Boquete viewed from the waterfall trail.

Close up of the patchwork of mountain farming.

And, the part you've all been waiting for...waterfalls! There were three waterfalls along the path, though we only had time to see the first two. We came to a sign that said "Waterfall, Waterfall, Waterfall", one on top of the other,  and were amused for a moment before realizing that the thin lines connecting them comprised a map with times to hike the side paths to each one.

Here's the first glimpse of a waterfall through the forest...

Waterfall #1 through the dense forest vegetation.

And the unobstructed view.

The top...

Water spilling over the cliff and a bromeliad enjoying the wet conditions.

and bottom...

I love all the small side rivulets.

And waterfall #2...

The view from a little ways down stream (taken standing on a rock midstream).

...which sent waves through the pool at its foot.

On the way back we had to walk a little farther to the bus stop and passed these two pretty horses who peered at us curiously.

Overall, a pretty, interesting, and satisfying afternoon hike.

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